Employee Forms

Employee Forms include the following:

Employee Injury Form: (Complete within 24 hours of injury) to be completed if an employee is hurt at work

Employee Change Form: to be completed if there is a name and/or address change

Travel Reimbursement Form: to be completed if requesting travel reimbursement

Field Trip Request Form: to be completed if requested a school field trip 

Tuition Approval Form(s): SAA: for Ed Techs and Secretaries

MBCC:  for Transportation, Maintenance and Cafe 

Teachers: for Teachers

Aspire Gorham Funding Request Form

Employee Injury Form

Field Trip Request Form

Tuition Approval Form- SAA

Tuition Approval Form- MBCC

Tuition Approval Form- Teachers

Employee Change Form

Travel Reimbursement Request Form

Aspire Authorization Form FY23

Business Office Fax #: 207-839-5003